درور بر شما -- خوش آمدید

وضعیت حقوق بشر در ایران ار وخامت هم گذشته است به طوری که
بصورت آشکارا به حریم افراد تجاوز میشود و یا بدون هیچ دلیل قانونی برای
افراد پرونده سازی میشود"البته باید گفت که در رژیم سفاک
اسلامی(اشغالگرایران), نقض حقوق بشر با پیروی از قوانین ننگین اسلامی قانون
است که بطور کاملا محسوس توسط حکومت جنایتکار اسلامی و مزدورانش انجام
میپذیرد و آزار و شکنجه آزادیخواهان میهن پرست به اوج خود رسیده است . این
خود دلیلی محکم بر ترس جانکاه حکومتیان خونخوار و نشانگر زوال حکومت
ضحاک(جمهوری اسلامی)در ایران زمین است,بخواهیم باور کنیم یا نکنیم شمارش
معکوس برای سرنگونی رژیم جهل اسلامی دیکتاتوری آغاز شده و باید گفت که اگر
با زور اسلحه برای مدتی نچندان زیاد بتوانند گلوی آزادیخواهان رابفشارند
ولی حرکت زمان را که همان نبض میهن پرستان ایرانزمین است را نمیتوانند
متوقف کند .

جاوید ایران و ایرانی میهن پرست.

نابود باد حکومت جهل اسلامی .


زرتشت بیا که با تو امید آید ** در شب صدای پای خورشید آید ** تاریخ اگر دوباره تکرار شود ** کعبه به طواف تخت جمشید آید **

درود بر شما , خوش آمدید , این وبلاگ در جهت مبارزه با
حکومت فاسد و دیکتاتوری جمهوری اسلامی که با خونریزی و دروغگویی ایران را به اشغال خود در آورده طراحی شده است .

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Thank you so so much

Yours sincerely

Cyrus Parsi


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چنبش فرزندان زرتشت

وطن امروز اسير دو سه تن بي وطن است
انهدام وطن از نکبت اين چند تن است
اين يکی لاشخور و آن دگری جغد سياه
اين يکی مرده خور و آن دگری گورکن است
آن شده پيشنماز چمن دانشگاه
واقعاً، قصه او قصه خر در چمن است
عطشِ قاضی اسلام بنازم که چنين
تشنه خون جوان و بچه و مرد و زن است
حاکم شرع به حيوان عجيبی مانَد:
که دُمش گاو و تنش خوک و سرش کرگدن است
هيأت حاکم ما هيئتِ خيرات خور است
هيأت دولت ما، دسته زنجيرزن است
روزگاری که وطن دست کفن دزدان است
عجبی نيست اگر مرده ما بی کفن است
پیروز و سربلند باشید (مدیر وبلاگ , کوروش پارسی )

۱۳۹۲ مرداد ۱۵, سه‌شنبه

Ayatollah Khomeini was a secret Western puppet and Illuminati agent

آیت الله خمینی یک دستنشانده مخفی غرب و روشنفکران (روشنفکران زمان به قدرت رسیدن خمینی ) بود

Ayatollah Khomeini was a secret Western puppet and Illuminati agent.

According to conventional wisdom, Washington and Tehran have hated each other since the 1979 Islamic Revolution and the Iranian-American hostage crisis that occurred shortly after. But when we look past the surface of events and official rhetoric we find very little evidence to support this claim.

The real history of the American-Iranian relationship is much more complex and complicated. The fundamentalist mullahs of Iran and the plutocratic rulers of America and Britain have secretly been in league with each other ever since they joined forces in 1953 to depose Iran's democratically elected prime minister, Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh. At that time, the CIA and MI6 gave the throne of Iran to the Shah. But they maintained close ties with key figures in Iran's fundamentalist community. 

A generation into the Shah's rule, the Iranian people got tired of the unjust dictatorship, and it was the mullah's turn to sit on the throne and wield dictatorial power in Iran. The CIA and MI6 decided to depose the Shah in the mid-1970s, before there were any signs of an Iranian revolution, much less an Islamic one.

Iranian researcher Fara Mansoor says the turning point came when American ambassador to Iran Richard Helms was informed that the Shah had cancer by the Shah's right-hand man General Hossein Fardoust, the head of SAVAK. Helms did not pass on this information to the president of the United States, Jimmy Carter, but to George H. W. Bush, the CIA director.

There is proof that both Bush Sr. and Helms played key roles in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, so they were experienced in using dirty tricks and organizing disinformation operations for a variety of foreign and domestic aims. They were following a secret foreign policy, and propping up Khomeini as the sole voice of the Iranian people through the mass media was one of their top objectives. 

None of this can be dismissed as a crazy conspiracy theory. The fact of the matter is that the roots of the totalitarian Islamic Republic of Iran are as much in the West as they are in Iran. The Iranian Islamic Revolution was not as romantic as the academic specialists of the West like to think, especially anti-imperialist liberals. Ayatollah Khomeini was not a Che-like figure with a beard and a turban. He had no love for the people of Iran and hated freedom. And the historical record shows that Washington's most powerful national security insiders played a key role in the formation of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the subsequent Iranian-American hostage crisis that culminated in the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980.

At first, the people of Iran did not accept Khomeini's radical interpretation of Islam and Islamic theocracy. Millions of Iranians resisted, but thousands were executed without trials as a message to the rest of the society. The event that cemented Khomeini's unjust rule over Iran was the Iranian-American hostage crisis, which Mansoor says was cunningly triggered by intelligence officials in Khomeini's camp and Bush Sr.'s camp.

Symbolically, the hostage crisis was very powerful. It radicalized the Iranian people, immortalized Khomeini, made President Carter look weak, made President Reagan look strong, and made the American people hate Iran. Both totalitarian gangs in America and Iran benefited from the crisis that they created. And it has not remained in the past. American and Iranian tyrants continue to use the image of American hostages blindfolded by Iranian religious radicals for their selfish political purposes. But the people of America and Iran have suffered because of the unnatural separation between the two nations. 

The manipulation of the American people and Iranian people by both totalitarian governments is unforgivable. Closely look at this picture of Khomeini, and this picture of Bush Sr. You can tell something is not right with them. These demons look like they came straight out of hell. Khomeini and Bush Sr. will probably share bunk beds after their spirits are reunited in hell. It is not paranoid and crazy to believe that like Bush Sr., Khomeini was an Illuminati agent and an agent of British and American intelligence agencies, which share the vision of a global fascist government. The only way they can sell a global fascist government to the people of the world is by creating the ritual of a third world war.

The official public rhetoric from the totalitarian regimes of America and Iran hide the reality that Ayatollah Khomeini was a creature of the MI6 and the CIA. They do not want this big secret to get out.

The members of the occult secret society who control America, Israel, England, and Iran have no allegiances to the countries that they rule. They seize power through deception and terror; assassinations and coups; wars and revolutions. Iran's Mohammad Mossadegh and America's Kennedy were both deposed by them.

Thus, far from hating each other, the totalitarian rulers of America and Iran secretly love each other because they depend on each other politically and psychologically to preserve their power. During periods of economic hardship and intense political upheaval, the unjust rulers of both countries deploy the most common tactic in the ruler's playbook to defect blame from themselves and protect their ill-gotten power: Fear.

Using fear instead of love to rule over the people is Machiavelli's famous advice to rulers. In modern totalitarian states, fear is the modus operandi. American, Iranian, and Israel leaders frighten the people with totalitarian propaganda, keep their countries distracted by an external enemy, and accuse their critics of treason. This is the Nazi-model of ruling a society. People are treated as slaves and worthless animals. In America, critics of the government are not accused of being traitors, but of being conspiracy theorists, paranoid, and mentally deranged. And it has worked really well until now.

II. Why Create Enemies? Why Wage War? Why Destroy Nations?

In a lecture on Iran in April 2010, American journalist Laura Secor said: "I do think that one can underestimate the extent to which the non-relationship with the United States is really central to the identity of the Islamic Republic." You can switch the United States with the Islamic Republic in this sentence, and it would still be true, though not to the same extent.

Washington's hype of the Iranian threat to the international order serves the economic and political interests of the ruling cabal in America and war-hungry freaks in Israel. America's tyrants need enemies to preserve their war-based rule and national security dictatorship. And Iran's Islamic tyrants need the Great Satan and Zionist Serpent as enemies in order to legitimize their harsh rule over Iran.

The unjust rulers of Iran loot Iran's natural resource wealth while pretending to hate the enemy, and America's unjust rulers do the same thing. Without a state of endless war, their power will collapse. We are dealing with very barbaric, immoral, and anti-democratic regimes that use deception and terror to subdue the people. War and chaos are like mother's milk to the totalitarian monsters of America, England, Israel, and Iran. These are creatures of hell and darkness. Bush, Cheney, Blair, Obama, Khamenei, and Netanyahu all deserve the death penalty.

Dean Henderson published a very important article on April 2nd called, "Illuminati Mind Control & the Report from Iron Mountain," that contains revealing statements from top U.S. officials in the early 1960s about why war is necessary and good. Henderson wrote:
In 1961 Kennedy Administration officials McGeorge Bundy, Robert McNamara and Dean Rusk, all CFR and Bilderberger members, led a study group which looked into “the problem of peace”.  The group met at Iron Mountain, a huge underground corporate nuclear shelter near Hudson, New York, where CFR think tank The Hudson Institute is located.  The bunker contains redundant offices in case of nuclear attack for Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell and JP Morgan Chase. [7]  A copy of the group discussions, known as Report from Iron Mountain, was leaked by a participant and published in 1967 by Dial Press.
The report’s authors saw war as necessary and desirable stating “War itself is the basic social system, within which other secondary modes of social organization conflict or conspire. (War is) the principal organizing force…the essential economic stabilizer of modern societies.”  The group worried that through “ambiguous leadership” the “ruling administrative class” might lose its ability to “rationalize a desired war”, leading to the “actual disestablishment of military institutions”.
The report goes on to say, “…the war system cannot responsibly be allowed to disappear until…we know exactly what we plan to put in its place…The possibility of war provides the sense of external necessity without which no government can long remain in power…The basic authority of a modern state over its people resides in its war powers. War has served as the last great safeguard against the elimination of necessary classes.”
It is very revealing that the maniacs in charge of the planet view world peace as a problem to deal with rather than embrace it as a good and beautiful thing. These are not normal and ethical individuals. War is a way of life for them, but these evil parasites do not actually participate in the killing and dying. They need war to stay in power, make trillions of dollars, and rule the people like sheep.

"War is hell," said General William Sherman. Modern war is more than just big business. Its damage on the human psyche and human soul has been systematic. And it has destroyed freedom and democracy in the West and in Iran.

The societies of America, Israel, and Iran have been built on war and they are defined by it. War consumes all three societies emotionally, spiritually, psychologically, and politically. The vampires who lead all three countries feed off of the hatred and fear that they create. They literally see the people as already dead, soulless animals who deserve to perish.

People have been dehumanized by modern warfare so much that the deaths of millions doesn't mean anything anymore. The dehumanization of mankind has reached the point where the shadow international rulers of the American empire are seriously implementing a global depopulation operation.

A third world war is the artificial creation of the crazy monsters who rule our world. The organized destruction of America, Israel, and Iran will create new opportunities for the shameless war profiteers, global arms manufacturers, big oil men, and international banksters to keep stealing. They are rotten, cruel, and insane thieves who deserve to be hanged for their crimes against humanity.

A Rigged Revolution: How The Shadow CIA-MI6 Network Put Khomeini And Militant Islamists in Power.
The British And U.S. Governments Installed Khomeini Into Power In 1979.
Hostage To False Flag Terror: The Link Between The October Surprise And The September Surprise.

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