درور بر شما -- خوش آمدید

وضعیت حقوق بشر در ایران ار وخامت هم گذشته است به طوری که
بصورت آشکارا به حریم افراد تجاوز میشود و یا بدون هیچ دلیل قانونی برای
افراد پرونده سازی میشود"البته باید گفت که در رژیم سفاک
اسلامی(اشغالگرایران), نقض حقوق بشر با پیروی از قوانین ننگین اسلامی قانون
است که بطور کاملا محسوس توسط حکومت جنایتکار اسلامی و مزدورانش انجام
میپذیرد و آزار و شکنجه آزادیخواهان میهن پرست به اوج خود رسیده است . این
خود دلیلی محکم بر ترس جانکاه حکومتیان خونخوار و نشانگر زوال حکومت
ضحاک(جمهوری اسلامی)در ایران زمین است,بخواهیم باور کنیم یا نکنیم شمارش
معکوس برای سرنگونی رژیم جهل اسلامی دیکتاتوری آغاز شده و باید گفت که اگر
با زور اسلحه برای مدتی نچندان زیاد بتوانند گلوی آزادیخواهان رابفشارند
ولی حرکت زمان را که همان نبض میهن پرستان ایرانزمین است را نمیتوانند
متوقف کند .

جاوید ایران و ایرانی میهن پرست.

نابود باد حکومت جهل اسلامی .


زرتشت بیا که با تو امید آید ** در شب صدای پای خورشید آید ** تاریخ اگر دوباره تکرار شود ** کعبه به طواف تخت جمشید آید **

درود بر شما , خوش آمدید , این وبلاگ در جهت مبارزه با
حکومت فاسد و دیکتاتوری جمهوری اسلامی که با خونریزی و دروغگویی ایران را به اشغال خود در آورده طراحی شده است .

The first address of my face book which was blocked and Hacked by nasty Islamic regime was:



the new address Of My face book is :


Please add my new address in your face book.

My Web-blogs are :


Thank you so so much

Yours sincerely

Cyrus Parsi


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(Comments) در این وبلاگ منتشر میشود .
به اصل با شکوه خویش بازگردیم .

Face Book : https://www.facebook.com/zartoshtpage

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چنبش فرزندان زرتشت

وطن امروز اسير دو سه تن بي وطن است
انهدام وطن از نکبت اين چند تن است
اين يکی لاشخور و آن دگری جغد سياه
اين يکی مرده خور و آن دگری گورکن است
آن شده پيشنماز چمن دانشگاه
واقعاً، قصه او قصه خر در چمن است
عطشِ قاضی اسلام بنازم که چنين
تشنه خون جوان و بچه و مرد و زن است
حاکم شرع به حيوان عجيبی مانَد:
که دُمش گاو و تنش خوک و سرش کرگدن است
هيأت حاکم ما هيئتِ خيرات خور است
هيأت دولت ما، دسته زنجيرزن است
روزگاری که وطن دست کفن دزدان است
عجبی نيست اگر مرده ما بی کفن است
پیروز و سربلند باشید (مدیر وبلاگ , کوروش پارسی )

۱۳۹۲ آذر ۱۹, سه‌شنبه

با رئیس جمهور بودن روحانی، دست رژیم برای اعدام بازتر شده است

موج اعدام کشور را فرا گرفته و سرکوب و خفقان بیش از گذشته اعمال میشود. سوال مهم این است که نقش دولت روحانی در این داستان چیست. طبیعی است که اصلاح طلبانی که نقش روابط عمومی نظام در داخل و خارج کشور را بازی میکنند، همان استدلالی را که در زمان محمد خاتمی استفاده میکردند، یکبار دیگر مطرح کرده و خواهند گفت که اصولا اعدام و سرکوب به رئیس جمهور ربطی ندارد و از حیطه اختیارات ایشان خارج است. از اینرو، نباید از ایشان بازخواست کرد.
برخی از آنان مثل محمد خاتمی طلبکار هم شده و میگویند که "تمامیت خواهان و نهادهای امنیتی (منظور وی باند ولی فقیه است) میخواهند با افزایش سرکوب، عقبه (یعنی پایگاه اجتماعی) روحانی را از وی جدا کنند." به عبارت دیگر، حسن روحانی خودش نیز بنوعی قربانی این موج سرکوب و اعدام است.
در پاسخ به روضه خوانی و وقاحت این جماعت باید  از آنان پرسید که اگر ایشان از اعدام و سرکوب ناراضی است چرا بجای شکوه و شکایت، از آن دفاع میکند. وزیر دادگستری اش توهین و حمله به دختر موسوی را توجیه میکند، وزیر ارشادش از بستن روزنامه بهار دفاع میکند و سخنگوی وزارت خارجه اش، که صاحب فیس بوک نیز هست، گزارش احمد شهید در مورد نقض حقوق بشر را بی اساس و توهین به ملت شریف ایران میخواند و از مردمسالاری دینی در ایران که به گفته ایشان الگوی دموکراسی برای مردم منطقه شده سخن میگوید؟
به گفته اصلاح طلبان، رئیس جمهور در سرکوب گسترده و اعدام دخالتی ندارد، در برنامه هسته ای هیچ نقشی ندارد، در مذاکرات هسته ای فقط مجری دستورات رهبر است و بنابراین، در مورد آینده تحریم ها که اقتصاد و زندگی مردم را به نابودی می کشاند هیچ کاره است. در سیاست های منطقه ای و دخالت و کشتار در سوریه و نابود کردن سرمایه های کشور نیز هیچ نقشی ندارد چون سپاه قدس تصمیم میگیرد، در این صورت، باید از این جماعت ماله کش پرسید که رئیس جمهور چه کاره است و به چه منظور مردم را به گرم کردن تنور انتخابات نمایشی دعوت کردید؟
اما یک نکته کاملا بارز و روشن است و اینکه اگر هم اکنون جلیلی یا احمدی نژاد رئیس جمهور بود رژیم با این دست باز قادر به کشتار و اعدام نبود زیرا همه جهان یک صدا اعتراض میکردند. اما اکنون، با حضور دولت روحانی که گویا قرار است با آمریکا دوست شود و مذاکرات هسته ای را با خوبی و خوشی به پایان برساند و انشاء الله در سوریه نیز برای حل مشکل غرب آستین ها را بالا بزند، صلاح کشورهای غربی در سکوت و دادن مهلت به دکتر روحانی است.
در داخل کشور نیز، خشم مردم از اعدام، سرکوب، فلاکت روز افزون و سفره های خالی شان، بجای آنکه کل نظام را هدف قرار دهد و بدنبال راه چاره ای از کابوس سی ساله آخوندی باشد، با امید بستن واهی به اصلاح امور توسط دولت هیچ کاره روحانی، به بیراهه میرود و عمر این حکومت ضد ایرانی و ضد بشری بازهم اضافه تر میشود.

این است خاصیت انتخابات در نظام ولایت فقیه

ای توده غافل، اندکی بیندیشید، این ملایان جز نگهداری دکان خود نمی‌خواهند

ای توده غافل، اندکی بیندیشید، این ملایان جز نگهداری دکان خود نمی‌خواهند،

اینان همان مردم رسوایی هستند که با هر چیز تازه‌ای که برایِ بیداری و هشیاری مردم مفید باشد مخالفت میکنند، با مشروطه مخالفت کردند، با مدرسه مخالفت کردند، اکنون هم که با ما که می‌خواهیم به یکباره دکان اینان را ببندیم به مخالفت آغازیده اند. افسوس ما در این است که اینان شما را وسیله اجرایِ نیت سو خود میکنند و خودشان را در پناه نادانیها و بی‌ خردیهایِ شما نگاه میدارند.

به خود آئید، دوست و دشمن خود را بشناسید، بیایید نوشته‌هایِ ما را بخوانید، ما دلیل‌هایِ بسیاری توانیم آورد که این ملایان و مفتخوران درد دین ندارند و در بند شکم و دکان خود هستند.

قسمتی‌ از دفاییات احمد کسروی ( 1324)، مردی که می‌خواست ایران را از تاریکی‌ نجات دهد

علیرضا درویش بازداشت و مکانی نامعلوم منتقل شد.

ماموران امنیتی با هجوم به محل کار علیرضا درویش، وی را بازداشت و به مکان نامعلومی منتقل کردند.
به گزارش خبرنگار کلمه، علیرضا درویش روزنامه نگار و فعال فرهنگی ظهر دوشنبه ۱۸ آذر ماه، پس از هجوم ماموران امنیتی به محل کار خود بازداشت شد.
ماموران امنیتی پس از بازرسی محل کار وی و ضبط کامپیو‌تر، سی دی و مدارک مربوط به هفته نامه امرداد، به محل سکونت این روزنامه نگار رفته و پس از تفتیش و بازرسی منزل و ضبط لوازم وی، او را به محل نا‌معلومی انتقال دادند.

تاکنون مشخص نشده که این ماموران متعلق به کدام نهاد بوده‌اند و وی را به کجا منتقل کرده‌اند. علیرضا درویش در هفته نامه امرداد مشغول به کار بود، این هفته نامه متعلق به زرتشتیان ست.

پیش از این کلمه از بازجویی و تهدید چند تن از زرتشتیان توسط وزارت اطلاعات خبر داده بود.

چکیده :طی این بازجویی‌ها که بابرخورد تند و توهین آمیز نیروهای امنیتی همراه بوده، با تهدید از آن‌ها خواسته شده رفت و آمد به مکانهای متعلق به زرتشتیان را محدود سازند و در غیر این صورت با آن‌ها برخورد خواهد شد و عواقب آن با خود زرتشتیان خواهد بود....

بازجویی و تهدید چند تن از زرتشتیان توسط وزارت اطلاعات در پی انتشار گزارشی در کلمه از فشارهای چند ماهه نیروهای امنیتی بر بنیاد فرهنگی جمشید متعلق به زرتشتیان، فشار‌ها هم چنان ادامه یافته و چندین تن از شهروندان زرتشتی احضار و در این رابطه بازجویی شدند.
به گزارش خبرنگار کلمه، طی این بازجویی‌ها که بابرخورد تند و توهین آمیز نیروهای امنیتی همراه بوده، با تهدید از آن‌ها خواسته شده رفت و آمد به مکانهای متعلق به زرتشتیان را محدود سازند و در غیر این صورت با آن‌ها برخورد خواهد شد و عواقب آن با خود زرتشتیان خواهد بود.
با توجه به پیشینه زرتشتیان و زندگی مسالمت آمیز آن‌ها با دیگر ادیان در ایران طی قرنهای اخیر، این برخورد‌ها که از موارد واضح نقض قانون اساسی در راستای حقوق شهروندی اقلیتهای رسمی و شناخته شده در کشور به شمار می‌ رود کم سابقه بوده است.
چندی است از دوربین‌های حفاظتی یک ساختمان دولتی در مقابل بنیاد فرهنگی جمشید برای کنترل رفت و آمد به این مکان فرهنگی که سابقه فعالیت قانونی ۱۵ ساله دارد استفاده می‌شود.

کلمه پیش از این گزارش داده بود که ماموران امنیتی از حدود یک ماه پیش از انتخابات ریاسات جمهوری در خرداد ماه ۱۳۹۲ با فشار بر مسئولین این بنیاد زرتشتی، آن‌ها را وادار کردند تا کلیه کلاس‌ها و نشست‌های فرهنگی و مدنی خود را به حالت تعلیق در آورند.

۱۳۹۲ آذر ۱۰, یکشنبه

داستان روستایی تنگدست و آخوند و رابطه اش با وصف حال و روز ملت ایران

داستان روستایی تنگدست و آخوند و رابطه اش با وصف حال و روز ملت ایران

داستان روستایی  تنگدست و آخوند و رابطه اش با وصف حال و روز ملت ایران
داستان  ضمیمه شده ضمن ساده بودنش  حاوی نکاتی پند آموز می باشد. زیرا بیانگر شرایط تحمیلی بیش از 34 ساله است که هر زمان رئیس جمهور و  دولت  جدیدی روی کار آمده و  جایگزین قبلی شده  که همراه با کلی  قول و وعده ها بوده است موازی آن سعی شده کاسه کوزه مشکلات اقتصادی واجتماعی .....  و معضلات امور معیشی مردم به گردن دولت مردان قبلی انداخته شود  . بهمین  دلیل حسن روحانی هم در برنامه 3 شنبه تلویوزنی محور بیان عملکرد 100 دولت خود   مشابه  سناریوی سیاست تجربه و تکرار شده  را غلیظ تر از قبل اجرا کرد  . زیرا که ماهیت آخوندهای غیر مولد و شرکا  را  نمی توان  بهتر از روش  عوامفریبی و حواله ناکجاآبادی دادن برای  رفع مسئولیت از عدم پاسخگویی به مطالبات مردم ترسیم کرد. برای این که  از همان  زمان حاکم شدن  و قدرت گیری خمینی و جانشین و شرکا وحامیان شان  روش تصویر مار کشیدن و مار نشان دادن  تا حال ادامه داشته است و توانسته اند  تسمه ازگرده ی مردم محروم ودربند واسیر ایران  بکشند . بنابراین داستان ساده  روستایی و سئوالش  از آخوند ده ضمیمه شده   است .چون بی ربط باشرایط کنونی ایران نیست . به خصوص آنانی که پس از 34  سال تجربه ی غارتگران  حاکم با مفت و مرده خواران آخوندهای متحجر حوزوی و شرکای بقدرت خزیدگانش  را لمس  وتجربه کرده اند به خوبی  می دانند  که چگونه  نقش و سهم قدرت  اینان درست  وارونه  قول داده شده ی خمینی  است  که گفته بود حکومت آینده از آن مستضعفان و پا برهنگان است  .  به ویژه  اینکه در روند جنگ قدرت و انباشت ثروت وانحصاری کردنش رقبا  از طریق  اجرای طرح کودتایی  مشترک پاسداران و  رهبر وبسیج  کنار  زده شدند . اما تا گند قضیه در می آید و وحشت  از  رفع ابهام مردم  حس می شود تلاش می شود. بلافاصله سناریوی وارونه تکرار می گردد . در رابطه شاهد بودیم  که خاتمی جای رفسنجانی شد  و روحانی جای احمدی نژاد را گرفتو رئیس جمهور  شدشود تا هورا کشان تبلیغ کنند شرایط سخت سپری شده و شرایط مناسب و  اوضاع  بهتر با  کلید دولت تدبیر و امید فراهم شده است.  البته با مواضع تاکتیکی- تبلیغاتی که اتخاذ می  شود تا  در اجرای  سناریوی سیکل  تکراری طراحی شده هدف  به انحراف کشانیدن اذهان عمومی دنبال می شود  که ایجاد توهم  در اذهان عمومی است که گویا ممکن است شرایط نسبت به گذشته تغییر کند و بهتر شود تا مانع از حرکت های اعتراضی مردم ناراضی شود .
زیرا برخلاف آنچه کودتا گران تصور می کردند که پس از کودتای 22 خرداد88 مردم معترض تسلیم می شوندو همه چیز  به فراموشی سپرده و شامل مرور زمان خواهد شد . اما کودتاگران به زودی متوجه شدند که با وجود اینکه موسوی وکروبی  را در حصر خانگی نگهداشتند  ولی اتفاقی نیفتاد  تا همه چیز بر وفق مرادشان به پیش رود. برای اینکه  خشم و کینه مردم ناراضی همچون آتش پنهان شده برزیرخاکستر بود که مترصد وزیدن نسیمی برای شعله ور شدنش بود. برای همین تا  نسیم پس از 22 خرداد 88  زده شد و ناراضیان  موج وار در خیابان ها سرازیر و دست به تظاهرات اعتراضی زدند تا درادامه ی تظاهرات های  ضد حکومتی  خودفریاد مرگ بر دیکتاتور و خامنه ای و اصل ولایت فقیه  توی خیابان ها و دانشگاه ها طنین انداز کنند . گرچه  فریاد  مرگ بر دیکتاتور سردادن معترضان  مقابل کودتا گران بهای بس سنگینی در بر داشت . ولی بدلیل اینکه اعتراضات معترضان  با سرکوب شدید و سرکوب  صدای اعتراضی خیابانی شان مهار شد  ولی معترضان  زانو نزده و تسلیم نشدند تا اینکه ترکش پرداخت هزینه به کودتا گران  اصابت کرد. چون رهبر ولی فقیه به جای موافقت با نامزد ریاست جمهوری کودتاگران پاسدار مجبور شد تا با در خواست تقاضا از مخالفان تا در نمایش انتخابات ریاست جمهوری دوره ی یازدهم نه بخاطر نظام که در حمایت از کشور شرکت کنند  تا حسن روحانی رئیس جمهور شود . سپس حامیانش توی خیابان بریزند و  با فراموش کردن شرایط طاقت فرسا پایکوبی و شادی کنند . چون هدف عبور از بحران اقتصادی وتحریم ها وتن دادن به توافق هسته ای در ژنو  بود.
 بهر حال  از سوی دیگر ربط داشتن این داستان با مدعیان اصلاح طلب ازآن منظر وجه اشتراک دارد که اینان با تجربه و  آزمون شکست خورده ی  بیش از 34 ساله و به خصوص 8 ساله ای که خود بر سر قدرت بودن  اشراف کامل دارند  که بابودن ولی فقیه همکاره و بی پاسخ به هیچ مرجع و نهاد دراین رژیم بربر منش  و تاریک اندیش قرون وسطایی دیگر  نه قانون  دارای جایگاه و  اعتبار و نه معنی و مفهومی دارد. برای اینکه  شورای نگهبان  آلت دست ولی فقیه  است  که تأیید کننده ی نامزدان نمایش انتخابات  گوناگون  است . از طرف دیگر  مجمع خبرگان رهبری که ظاهراً می بایست براعمال ولی فقیه  نظارت داشته باشد ولی  آنچنان آلت دست ولی  فقیه  شده است که  تبدیل  به  نهاد تشریفاتی شده است  که مأموری و مجری   حمد وثناگوی رهبر وفرامین و ی  شده است  . طوریکه بنابر دستور صادره رفسنجانی  را از رأس آن جراحی نمود .حال درچنین اوضاع و احوال که ریش و قیچی دراختیار ولی  فقیه  و پاسداران  می باشد که هر روز خشن  و ضد انسانی تر بامعرضان ومنتقدان و رقبا برخور می کنند. چگونه می توان انتظار داشت که چاقو دسته ی خودش را ببرد ونقض کنندگان آشکار قانون، قرار است  پای بند ومدافع قانون اساسی باشند و دولت اعتدال روحانی معنی و استقلال داشته باشد . بعلاوه باید باور داشت شرایط بهتر از گذشته و رو به بهبود خواهد بود  و تن  دادن به توافق هسته ای  بدون تنش و پیامدهای واکنشی اعتراضی – انتقادی داخلی  مواجه می شود .
بهر صورت گویا  خود  به  توهم زدگان  که  تلاش می کنند توهم خود را به مردم تلقین کنند همچون داستان روستایی ساده دل  در مانده است  که چون مرید و پیرو ملای روستا بود . برای درمان مشکلات خودنزد وی می رود تا پس از بازگویی مشکلات  و دریافت رهنمود و  اجرای اوامر و فتواهایش در نهایت آنقدر درمانده و  زهواره در رفته وخسته شود که به علت خستگی مفرط و چندین شب بی خوابی عاقبت بی هوش و  به خواب رود  و دعاگوی ملای روستا شود.
داستان روستایی فقیر و تنگدست یا روز وحال ملت ایران
> روستایی فقیری که از تنگدستی و سختی معیشت جانش به لب رسیده بود، نزد آخوند ده رفت > و گفت: آملا، فشار زندگی آنقدر مرا در تنگنا قرار داده که به فکر خودکشی افتاده ام. > از روی زن و بچه هایم خجالت می کشم، زیرا حتی قادر به تامین نان خالی برای آنان > نیستم. با زن، شش فرزند قد و نیم قد، مادر و خواهرم در یک اتاق کوچک مخروبه زندگی > می کنیم، که با هر نم باران آب به داخل آن چکه می کند. این اتاق آنقدر کوچک است که > شب وقتی چسبیده به هم در آن می خوابیم، پای یکی دو نفرمان از درگاه بیرون می ماند. > دیگر ادامه این وضع برایم قابل تحمل نیست… پیش تو، که مقرب درگاه خدا هستی، آمده ام> تا نزد او شفاعت کنی که گشایشی در وضع من و خانواده ام حاصل شود. 
> آخوند پرسید:> از مال دنیا چه داری؟
> روستایی گفت:> همه دار و ندارم یک گاو، یک خر، دو بز، سه گوسفند، چهار مرغ و یک خروس است.> آخوند گفت:> من به یک شرط به تو کمک می کنم و آن این است که قول بدهی هرچه گفتم انجام بدهی.
> روستایی که چاره ای نداشت، ناگزیر شرط را پذیرفت و قول داد….آخوند گفت:> امشب وقتی خواستید بخوابید باید گاو را هم به داخل اتاق ببری. روستایی برآشفت که: > آملا، من به تو گفتم که اتاق آنقدر کوچک است که حتی من و خانواده ام نیز در آن جا > نمی گیریم. تو چگونه می خواهی که گاو را هم به اتاق ببرم؟!
> آخوند گفت: فراموش نکن که قول داده ای هر چه گفتم انجام دهی وگرنه نباید از من > انتظار کمک داشته باشی.
> صبح روز بعد، روستایی پریشان و نزار نزد آخوند رفت و گفت: دیشب هیچ یک از ما > نتوانستیم بخوابیم. سر و صدا و لگداندازی گاو خواب را به چشم همه ما حرام کرد.
> آخوند یکبار دیگر قول روستایی را به او یادآوری کرد و گفت:> امشب علاوه بر گاو، باید خر را نیز به داخل اتاق ببری.
> چند روز به این ترتیب گذشت و هر بار که روستایی برای شکایت از وضع خود نزد آخوند می > رفت، او دستور می داد که یکی دیگر از حیوانات را نیز به داخل اتاق ببرد تا این که > همه حیوانات هم خانه روستایی و خانواده اش شدند! روز آخر روستایی با چشمانی گود > افتاده، سراپای زخمی و لباس پاره نزد آخوند رفت و گفت که واقعا ادامه این وضع برایش > امکان پذیر نیست!
> آخوند دستی به ریش خود کشید و گفت: دوره سختی ها به پایان رسیده و به زودی گشایشی > که می خواستی حاصل خواهد شد. پس از آن به روستایی گفت که شب گاو را از اتاق بیرون > بگذارد!
> ماجرا در جهت معکوس تکرار شد و هر روز که روستایی نزد آخوند می رفت، این یک به او > می گفت که یکی دیگر از حیوانات را از اتاق خارج کند تا این که آخرین حیوان، خروس > نیز بیرون گذاشته شد.روز بعد وقتی روستایی نزد آخوند رفت، آخوند از وضع او سئوال کرد و روستایی گفت: خدا > عمرت را دراز کند آملا، پس از مدتها، دیشب خواب راحتی کردیم. به راستی نمی دانم به > چه زبانی از تو تشکر کنم. آه که چه راحت شدیم و این است حال و روز ملت.  منبع : ایمیل دریافتی از یک دوست

مزدوري كه دانشجويان را زير ضرب كتك و فحش مي گيرد + عكس

بدستور غلام حسین حیدری، ریيس دانشگاه آزاد واحد رودهن و بدون اطلاع قبلي ورودی‌های خانم‌ها و آقايان این واحد دانشگاهی از يكديگر جدا شد و از ورود دانشجويان بدون همراه داشتن كارت دانشجويی

و یا برگه‌ی انتخاب جلوگيری به عمل آمد. نیرو‌های انتظامات و حراست نیز با رفتاری بسیار توهين آميز مانع ورود دانشجويان به بهانه نامناسب بودن پوشش ظاهری آن ها شدند. تا آنجا که تعدادی از دانشجویان علی رغم پیمودن مسیر طولانی از شهر تهران تا شهر رودهن نتوانستند به دانشگاه وارد شوند و بر سر کلاس‌های درس خود حاضر شوند.

در کنار سر در اصلی دانشگاه که پیش از این دانشجویان و اساتید از آن رفت و آمد می‌کردند اطلاعیه بزرگی نصب شده است که در آن الگوهای رفتاری و الگوهای پوشش برای دختران و پسران دانشجو ذکر شده است. اطلاعیه های تهدید آمیز و محدود کننده مشابهی نیز در نقاط مختلف دانشگاه نصب شده است.

در کنار سر در اصلی و وروی بزرگ دانشگاه که اکنون با نصب میله‌های سیاه رنگی آن را مسدود کرده‌اند؛ دو اتاقک قرار داده شده است که مملو از عوامل انتظامات است که دختران و پسران دانشجو برای ورود به دانشگاه باید از آن عبور کنند.

بر اساس گزارش خبرنگار ادوارنیوز، انتظامات دانشگاه در پاسخ به اعتراض دانشجویان که جویای علت چینی برخورد‌های ناگهانی و بدون اطلاع رسانی قبلی و خلاف قانون چیست؟ گفت:«ما خودمون قانونیم! قانون ماییم! اگر گفتیم فردا لخت باید بیاین لخت باید بیاین!»

این در حالی است که، وضع قوانین محدود کننده‌ی جدید حتی به پارکینگ دانشجویان نیز رسیده است و دانشجویان آن را اقدامی توهین آمیر قلمداد می کنند.

ضرب و شتم دانشجويان

در همین حال، انتظامات دانشگاه در اتفاقي نادر اقدام به بازرسی بدنی و تفتيش کیف و وسایل دانشجويان می‌کند؛ كه اين امر نیز باعث بیش شدن خشم و اعتراض دانشجویان می‌شود. در جریان یکی از بازرسی‌هاکه در حدود ساعت یازده صبح روز شنبه دوم اردیبهشت اتفاق افتاد، یکی از عوامل انتظامات سيلي محکمی به صورت يكی از دانشجویان پسر می‌زند و با حرکتی توهین آمیز وی را از دانشگاه به بيرون مي‌برد و در خارج از محیط دانشگاه به شدت مورد ضرب و شتم قرار می‌دهد و سپس توسط انتظامات به حراست دانشگاه انتقال داده مي‌شود و به بهانه های واهی برای وی پرونده سازی صورت می گیرد.

به گفته دانشجویان یکی از مسببان اصلی ضرب و شتم دانشجویان و بازرسی های بدنی توهین آمیز، یکی از مسوولین اصلی انتظامات نام "شهاب" است، که در بین دانشجویان به سخت گیری و فحاشی شناخته می شود.

به گفته دانشجویان این واحد دانشگاهی در ادامه روند برخوردهای توهین آمیز و ضرب و شتم دانشجويان، روز دوشنبه چهارم اردیبهشت ماه، از ورود يكی از دانشجوی دختر به دانشگاه به دلیل آنچه که انتظامات دانشگاه آرايش نامناسب عنوان می‌کند، جلوگیری به عمل می‌آید؛. این اقدام با اعتراض اين دانشجوی دختر همراه می‌شود و عوامل انتظامات دانشگاه آزاد رودهن شروع به فحاشي به وی و هل دادن وی می‌كنند. در برخوردی که بین این دانشجوی دختر و مامورین انتظامات دانشگاه رخ میدهد، مامورین او را با حالتی زننده و با ضربه ای محکم از دانشگاه به بيرون پرت می‌کنند كه موجب برخورد شدید وی با زمین و صدمه دیدن این دانشجو می‌شود.

براساس گزارش دانشجویان، روز سه شنبه پنجم اردیبهشت ماه، نیز کشمکش و درگيری شديد لفظي دیگری بین یکی دیگر از دانشجویان دختر با یکی از مسوولین انتظامات خانم موجب درگیری لفظی و فیزیکی شد. در این درگیری کارمند انتظامات اقدام به فحاشی و درگیری فیزیکی با دانجشو می‌کند، که طی این برخورد دانشجوی دختر به زمین می‌خورد و این کارمند انتظامات ضرباتی را به پای این دانشجو وارد می‌کند.

به گفت دانشجویان این واحد دانشگاهی خانم جابری، از مسوولین انتظامات بخش خانم‌ها، در این حادثه دخیل بوده.

شایان ذکر است که این اقدامات حراست و انتظامات دانشگاه که مستقیما زیر نظر رییس این واحد دانشگاهی انجام می پذیرد؛ حتی موجبات نارضایتی و اعتراض برخی از اساتید را نیز فراهم اورده است. که از آن جمله می توان به تنش لفظی صورت گرفته بین یکی از اساتید با عوامل حراست در ساختمان مرکزی این دانشگاه اشاره کرد.

گفتني است در سال ۸۸ "پاشا عليپور" مسوول حراست اين دانشگاه به همراه دو تن از همکارانش به نام های "افکاری" و "عیوضی" با هماهنگي با نيروهاي انتظامي ماشين گشت ارشاد در مقابل در ورودی دانشگاه آزاد رودهن مستقر کرده و اقدام به بازداشت دانشجويان مي‌كردند.

قابل ذكر است که در سال های اخیر در این واحد دانشگاهی صدها دانشجو به خاطر نوع پوششان به كميته انضباطي احضار شده و با احكام محروميت از تحصيل مواجه گشته اند که "شهاب" و "پاشا علیپور" نقش زیادی در اعمال این محدودیت ها ایفاء کرده اند.

ضرب وشتم دانشجویان دختر در محیط داخل دانشگاه و یا حتی خارج از دانشگاه آزاد واحد رودهن توسط نیروهای حراست و انتظامات امر تازه ای نیست. پیش از این نیز در اواخر مهرماه سال ۱۳۸۷ در ماجرای مشابهی یکی از دانشجویان دختر که به بازرسی بدنی و تفتیش کیف و وسایل خود توسط یکی ازكارمندان زن این واحد دانشگاهی معترض شده بود در خارج از محیط دانشگاه تواسط ماموران مرد انتظامات مورد توهین و ضرب و شتم و تماس های مکرر بدنی قرار گرفته بود که ریاست این واحد دانشگاه‌ی ضمن ابراز امیدواری از عدم تکرار این وقایع در آینده به خبرنگاران گفته بود:«با عاملان حادثه دانشگاه رودهن قاطعانه برخورد كردیم.»

به گفته دانشجویان معترض اگر در همان زمان عوامل ضرب و شتم دانشجویان برخورد می‌شد امروز شاهد تکرار این وقایع تلخ نبودیم. همچنین نمی‌توان از کنار نقش محوری رییس این واحد دانشگاهی دکتر غلام حسین حیدری در اعمال محدودیت‌ها و برخوردهای صورت گرفته به آسانی گذشت.
پارس ديلي نيوز

۱۳۹۲ آذر ۲, شنبه

ماده مخدر کروکودیل تمساح مرگبار روسی Desomorphine که به تازگی وارد کشور ایران شده است

هر دم از روسیه بری می رسد تازه تر از تازه تری می رسد معرفی ماده مخدر کروکودیل تمساح مرگبار روسی Desomorphine کروکدیل نام یکی از جدید ترین مواد مخدر صنعتی است که به تازگی وارد کشور شده است و از روسیه به عنوان منشا این ماده نام برده می شود.تا سال 2011 نزدیک به صد هزار نفر در روسیه به این ماده اعتیاد پیدا کرده اند.آژانس فدرال روسیه نیز این مقدار را 250 هزار نفر اعلام می کند. این ماده بعنوان جایگزین هروئین به بازار های ایران نیز عرضه شده است اما مسئولین دولتی وجود آن را نه تایید می کنند و نه تکذیب می کنند و قیمت آن از هروئین به مراتب پایین تر است.کروکودیل بیش از 20 برابر قوی تر از هروئین بوده و بلایی را که کراک بر سر معتادین می آورد را با قدرت بیشتری بروی افراد معتاد اعمال می کند و بصورت عمقی به درون سلول های بدن معتاد نفوذ می کند و زخمهای بسیار قوی بر بدن شخص معتاد می گذارد. بنا به گذارش پلیس روسیه تقریبا تمامی افرادی که به این ماده اعتیاد پیدا می کنند در عرض یک سال جان خود را از دست می دهند و در خوشبینانه ترین حالت عمر فرد پس از مصرف به سه سال می رسد.و امید به زندگی در معتادان این ماده بین دو تا سه سال است. در ابتدا پوست بدن شخص معتاد به رنگ سبز در می آید(به همین دلیل نام تجاری کروکودیل را بر خود گرفته است) و سپس بطور کامل زخمی و پوسیده می شود گفتی است که این ماده بسیار اعتیاد آور است. مديركل امور اجتماعي استانداري مركزي بيان كرد: اين ماده مخدر مشابه كراك مصرف تدخيني نيز دارد و مصرف تزريقي آن منجر به آسيب بافتهاي بدن و سياه شدن اندام مي شود و پس از يك سال مصرف كننده را از پا در مي آورد. مديركل پيشگيري و درمان اعتياد سازمان بهزيستي كشور با تاكيد بر لزوم آگاهي بخشي جدي در بحث پيشگيري از اعتياد عنوان كرد: مافياي مواد مخدر با اين عنوان شروع به توزيع اين مواد مي‌كنند كه اين مواد مشكلي ايجاد نمي‌كنند و اعتيادآور نيستند و بدين ترتيب به جذب افراد براي مصرف اقدام مي‌كنند. مجله تایم نوشته است کروکدیل پسر عموی کثیف مورفین است که به صورت یک ویروس در میان جوانان روسی پخش شده است.دلیل پخش شدن آن نیز آزاد بودن فروش مورفین در روسیه است که به راحتی به قاچاقچیان اجازه می دهد این ماده را تهیه کنند.این ماده مانند مورفین نیز تاثیر گذاری 4 سالعه بروی فرد معتاد دارد. کروکدیل از ترکیب قرص کدئین با بنزین، تینر، ید، اسید کلریدریک یا همان جوهر نمک و فسفر قرمزساخته شده است.به نظر می رسد این ماده برای اولین بار در سال 2002 در سیبری پدیدار شده و به سرعت در تمامی کشور روسیه پخش شده است.اما عده ای نیز معتقد هستند که این ماده در اوایل سال 1935 پیدا شده است. تایم می نویسد بافت ها و عروق محل تزریق مانند پوست تمساح در بخش تزریق شده میمیرند.نتیجه یک تحقیق نیز نشان می دهد که بافت استخوان متخلخل در پایین فک به دلیل اسیدی بودن دارو اغلب شروع به پاشیدن می کند.سایت دیگری نیز نوشته بود:در محل تزریق رگ ها شروع به ترکیدن می کنند و عضله آن قسمت فاسد و آسیه می شود. از این ماده به عنوان ترسناک ترین ماده مخدر موجود در بازار نامبرده می شود.پلیس آلمان اعلام کرده است که یکی از معتادین به این ماده حتی نمی دانسته است که کروکودیل مصرف می کند و قاچاقچیان تحت نام هروئین این ماده را به او می فروختند.حتی در اورپا افرادی که توانسته بودند خود را از این ماده مخدر رها کنند قطع عضو شده بودند.احساس فیزیکی که این ماده به معتادین می دهد بسیار شدید است و حتی بارها در طی فرآیند سم زدایی مشاهده شده است که معتادین هوشیاری خود را از دست می دهند. معتادین عزیز کشور ما نیز بسیار مواظب این نکته باشند از آنجایی که روش تهیه این ماده به مراتب ارزان تر از هروئین تمام می شود ممکن است قاچاقچیان مواد مخدر این ماده را تحت نام هروئین به آنها قالب کنند!پس چه بهتر که انسان از اول بدنبال هیچ کدام از مواد مخدر نرود. حتی یک بار برای امتحان کردن نیز می تواند زندگی انسان را از هم بپاشاند بسیاری از افراد معتاد فقط برای یک بار امتحان کردن مواد مخدر وارد این راه شده اند و زندگی آنها رو به تباهی رفته است نا گفته نماند که بسیاری از قاچاقچیان نیز می گویند این ماده اعتیاد آور نیست و … در حالی که تمامی مواد مخدر اعتیاد آور هستند.برای درک ارزانی این ماده یک بار تزریق هروئین در ایلات متحده 150 دلار تمام می شود در حالی که تزریق کروکودیل 6 دلار تمام می شود.

۱۳۹۲ آبان ۲۹, چهارشنبه

Canada, Mullahs, and Serious Questions

Canada, Mullahs, and Serious Questions
In these days, many Iranians don’t feel good. In fact, if you want to not close your eyes, and if you want to not be like the charlatans, and if you want to live a human life, not an animal life, you can not feel good at all. The current news about unplugging internet, the world’s silence, the love story of the Mullahs and Canada, etc are really shitty and unbelievable. The western hypocrisy is really tragic. Yesterday, the Globe and Mail had a very weak and very bad report about the Mullah embezzler who has fled to Canada , but they revealed: “Iranian-Canadian [!] Mahmoud Reza Khavari, the chairman of the board and managing director of Irans largest bank, the state-owned Bank Melli [National Bank of Iran] is reported to be in the Toronto area -where a $3million home is owned in his name. Property records show a Toronto home thats registered in Khavaris name not far from newspaper magnate Conrad Blacks mansion in Torontos affluent Bridle Path neighborhood. The Suncrest Drive property was bought for $2,925,000 on July 30, 2007. When The Globe and Mail approached the house Friday, a woman at the property would not answer any questions“. In 2007, Iranians had to wait 4 to 8 years in the long stupid queue for immigration to Canada, and could not transfer even $100 to Canada, and all of these shameful things were due to the stupid western sanctions against the Mullah regime. But at the same time, the Mullahs and the Mullah embezzlers could get their immigration visa very easily, and could transfer millions and billions of the embezzled money to Canada. Can you believe this ? It’s really beyond hypocrisy. The stupid Globe and Mail added: “Officials in Canada are not speaking to the case. But the Canadian government has no extradition treaty with Iran, nor can it legally extradite individuals to countries that are likely to torture prisoners or impose death-penalty sentences “. It’s really shameful. Now many Iranians ask: “Canada treat the ordinary Iranians like animals, but they can grant immigration visa to the Mullahs, the Mullah families and the embezzlers, and can accept their dirty and black money, and of course they can not extradite the Mullahs and the thieves to Iran !!, is it a joke or what ?! Is Canada a safe house for the Mullahs and the thieves? What you call this ? hypocrisy or beyond any possible hypocrisy? ” The Globe and Mail also published a photo of the $3-million home of the Mullah embezzler in Toronto. Now, many Iranians who asked: “Where is our oil money?” can have an answer : “Part of it, is in Canada. The Mullahs have bought big houses and big businesses there, by our money”.

The stupid Globe and Mail also added: “It not uncommon for Irans elite [!!!] to have dual citizenship [but it's illegal in Iran !] or close relatives living in the West. It’s really shameful that they call the Mullahs ‘Iran’s elite’ . The Mullahs, the thieves, and the embezzlers are not ‘elite’ or ‘Irans elite‘; maybe these jerks are “Canada’s elite” -who knows?- but it’s really shameful. The stupid Globe and Mail should ask or answer why the Mullahs and the Mullah families can go to Canada and live there, and why the ordinary Iranians should be the main victim of the stupid sanctions against Iran . The world should ask why the ordinary Iranians can not transfer $100 to Canada, but the Mullahs can transfer $3,000,000, and can buy big houses there. We, all, should ask why should the ordinary Iranians wait 4 to 8 years in the long stupid queue for immigration, but the Mullahs can get their immigration visa very easily and the Mullah families can go there and invest the dirty stolen money there. Isn’t it a clear sing of a fake war between the fake enemies? The stupid western politicians pretend that their stupid sanctions are against the Mullahs not the people. But isn’t it a big lie ? Who are the main victim of the stupid western sanctions, the Mullahs or the ordinary Iranians who are the victim of the Mullah brutality? When they call the Mullahs and the Mullah thieves/rapists ‘Iran’s elite’ and make love with the Mullahs, isn’t it a sign of dreadful corruption in Canada? An Iranian in Canada says: “Here, when you want to transfer $10,000+, it should be reported to a federal agency. If you hide it, it has a very serious outcome. It’s for preventing the money laundry. So, we can ask serious questions about the money that the Mullahs have stolen form Iran and transferred it to Canada. How can the corrupt Mullahs transfer millions or billions dollar in Canada ?” It’s so obvious that these stolen money, are the people money. Now many Iranians ask: “Why do the Canadian authorities allow the Mullahs to go to Canada and invest the stolen money there? Are their stupid sanctions against the ordinary Iranians or against the savage Mullahs? What’s the use of these stupid sanctions, when the Mullahs can go to Canada and invest the stolen money there? Is it the true meaning of ‘Rule of Law’ in Canada ? Do they only want to torture the ordinary Iranians? Do they only want to steal Iran’s money? or Do they want to make fool of themselves and the rest of the world, or what ? ” All of these questions are very important. The open-minded Canadians and the wise Iranians in Canada, who are not jerk and Khayemal (ass-kisser) like the majority of the stupid
Iranian-Canadians, should seriously protest against this great hypocrisy, corruption, and double standard.
Yesterday, the Mullah media reported: “The son of Khavari [the Mullah Embezzler] is “Ardavan Khavari” (above picture, left), who has established a big travel agency in Canada by the stolen money.” In fact, according to the Mullah media, “Ardavan Khavari”, son of the bitch, like his bastard father that was the head of the largest bank of the Middle East and Africa that the Mullahs call it “‘the largest Islamic Bank” !!, and like the Mullah Economics Minister, Hosseini who is a stupid wrestler !! and also a relative of Khavari ! (below picture), is a stupid illiterate jerk and a big thief who has invested the stolen money in a big travel agency, “Jerry Caplan Travel”. This Mullah travel agency has at least 8 branches (with different names) in different countries, including the UK and I-s-r-a-e-l !! Now many Iranians say: “It’s the true meaning of the fake and phony war between the Mullahs, the West, and the Zionists”. It’s really true. The Mullah embezzler, Khavari and his family, including son of the bitch, “Ardavan Khavari”, have Canadian citizenship, like many other Mullahs and Mullah families who live in Canada and have Canadian citizenship. These Islamist bastards stole Iranians’ money from Iran and invest it in Canada. They kill, rape, and torture Iranians, and then go to Canada and make love with the hypocrite Canadian politicians. Can the world accept this level of hypocrisy and charlatanism? Can the world accept that the hypocrite Canadian politicians impose dreadful sanctions on Iran, but not on the Mullahs and the Islamists, but on the poor ordinary Iranians who are the main victim of the savage Mullahs ? Why should Iranians pay the high price of the fake war between the fake enemies, i.e. between the Mullahs and the west ? Why can the Mullahs and their families go to Canada, the US, the UK, France, Germany, Italy, etc, and live there, but the ordinary Iranians can not get visa of the western countries, because of the stupid sanctions ? Why Iranians can not transfer even $100 to the west, but the Mullahs can easily transfer billions of the dirty stolen money there ?? These questions are very important. As we said before, many of the Mullahs and the Mullah families live in Canada and the UK. Even some members of Khamenei family live in Canada. And even, Khamenei’s wife and children go to the UK regularly !! Also, thousands of high rank Mullahs and high rank members of the Mullah Gestapo (Sepah or IRGC) and their families live in Canada, the US and the UK, but the world has closed its eyes and says nothing, why? really why ?! You should think about it.

Yesterday, a few Iranians in Canada started to write about this great scandal and hypocrisy, of course with extreme caution ! But it’s not enough. All free and open-minded Canadians and Iranian-Canadians in Canada and all around the world, should protest against this great hypocrisy and charlatanism. They should ask why the Mullahs and the Mullah families can go and live in Canada? They should protest against the Canadian authorities who have accepted the Mullahs, their families, and their stolen money in Canada. They should try to find the Mullahs and the Mullah families in Canada and try to deport them to Iran, i.e. the heaven that they have created for the poor Iranians, but they themselves flee from it . The Mullahs call Iran ‘the Islamic heaven’ !! and call the west ‘the anti-Islamic hell’, but these bastards run away from their own heaven and go to hell !! The Mullahs and the Islamists in Iran have not any right to leave Iran, and live in the west. They must live in Iran, in the dreadful conditions that they have created for us. Iranians have not any kind of basic freedom in Iran under the Mullah regime, for example the right of choosing their clothes !, the right of living their own life! or the right of having access to the internet ! Now, these bastards have started to unplug internet in Iran. The poor Iranians are raped, killed and tortured for Hijab, for asking a simple question, or for protesting, and their basic human rights are denied by the Mullahs, but the Mullahs and their families try to escape form this hell that they have created for others !! . Is this acceptable? Iranians know that some members of Rafsanjani family, Larijani family, Mesbah Yazdi family, Nategh Nouri family, and many other high rank Mullah thieves live in Canada and invest the stolen money there. But all of them must be deported to Iran. Is this acceptable that the Mullahs and their families go to the west and the poor Iranians live like a prisoner in the hell that the Mullahs hare created for Iranians ? Is this level of hypocrisy, corruption, and charlatanism is acceptable for the world, and the people who live in 21st century? It’s really the greatest possible hypocrisy in the human history (and of course, a very clear sign of the Islamists’ bankruptcy).

The stupid Canadian authorities should answer to many questions. They should answer: why they accept the Mullahs and the Mullah families? Why they accept the money that the Mullahs have stolen from Iran ? Why they impose their stupid sanctions on the poor ordinary Iranians who hate the Mullahs and the Islamists and are the main victim of the Mullahs ? What’s the use of these stupid sanctions when they grant immigration visa or any kind of visa to the Mullahs and their families, and when the Mullahs can invest the embezzled money there? The hypocrisy of the Canadian authorities are really unbelievable. Now, some Iranians say: “The Canadian Embassy in Iran treats Iranians like animals. Iranians should wait in the stupid queues in the street and can not go inside the embassy building ! Iranians should pay their immigration application fee in Canadian Dollar, but the Canadian Embassy does not accept cash, while they know that Iran are under stupid sanctions and the Iranian bank can not transfer money to Canada, and there is no foreign bank in Iran. So, some Iranians go to Dubai or Syria for paying $500 !! That means, for example the people in the UK, go to Italy for paying a $500 fee ! And of course, a stupid black market has been created in Iran, and you should pay 800$ to the smugglers and they pay $500 for you to the Canadian banks !! Some say the Canadian Embassy in Iran, is part of the black market, but we are not sure about it. But there is no doubt that the Canadian Embassy knows the problem of Iranian applicants, but they don’t care, and do nothing for solving the problems. The Canadian Embassy in Tehran has not any facility for Iranian applicants. Iranians should go to Syria ! (a small country with 20 million population; Iran is 75 million) for any phase of the long process of immigration to Canada, a process that takes 4 to 8 years to finish !! And in the recent months, when Syria is unsafe, Canadians have suspended everything, don’t answer any questions and have not any alternative solution for Iranians ! Before 2005, for some years, the Canadian Embassy in Tehran accepted ‘pay in cash’, and have some other facilities for Iranians, like ‘interview in Tehran’, but in the recent years, they just humiliate Iranians, and make love with the Mullahs.” It’s really shameful. It’s really beyond hypocrisy. If you try to put yourself in the place of Iranians, you can understand the depth of the tragedy, and the depth of Iranians’ anger .

Iranians know that all Mullahs, without any exception, did not have anything in 1979. At that time they were so poor and even could not buy a used car for themselves, but now they have multimillion dollar home and multibillion dollar business in Iran and the west. There is no doubt that the money that the Mullahs invest in Canada, the UK, and other western countries, is a dirty money that they have stolen from Iran. It’s the oil money, the people money that the corrupt Mullahs have stolen from Iranians. The two Mullah bankers and their boss, Mr. shit, are only part of the corrupt Mullah system, but their story is informative. The resume of Mahmoud Reza Khavari, the head of Melli Bank and the Mullah thief who has fled to Canada, and the resume of Mohammad Jahromi, the head of Saderat Bank that is Mr shits’ close friend, are very interesting. The media reported: “Khavari was member of the Board of Directors in Tehran Stock Exchange, the ex-head of Bank Sepah, member of the Board of Directors in Bank of Industry and Mine, and Chairman of the Board in Companies such as: Sepah Investment Company, Bank Melli Iran Investment Company, Chadormalu Mining & Industrial Company, Gole Gohar Iron ore Compan, Sepah Brokerage, etc.” But this Mullah thug, like many other high rank Mullahs, could get his immigration visa from Canada, and invested the stolen money there. Mohammad Jahromi’s story is more interesting. “Jahromi, that calls himself ‘Dr. Seyed Mohammad Jahromi’, is a big charlatan and a big thief. His PhD degree is a fake one. In fact, he even has not a high school diploma !! His real name is not Mohammad, but it’s “Ali-Naghi” ! And he is not a Seyed, too !! In fact, after the Islamic revolution he invented the title ‘Seyed’ (a religious title that is inherited from father) for himself ! Jahromi is a real charlatan and spends a lot of money for covering his crimes. Jahromi has found “The Secret of Survival” in the Islamic regime. He found that “in the Islamic regime, you should pay the bosses’ share and then you can steal everything“. Jahromi, is Nategh Nouri’s son-in-low, and Nategh Nouri is a close friend of Khamenei and the head of Khamenei’s investigation office !! After the Islamic revolution, when Jahromi was 19, he was appointed as the governor of Amol, Zanjan, Semnan, Fars, Lorstan, etc. Nategh Nouri helped him a lot, and he became a member of Mullah Mafia in 1980s. Many called him “Mr. Smuggler“, because he smuggled the valuable antiques and many parts of our cultural and national heritage in Shiraz (Persepolis) out of Iran. And in this way, Jahromi that was a poor peasant before the Islamic revolution, became a trillionaire after the revolution. In 2005, he became one of the main aides of Mr. shit. His plan for granting loans to the small businesses, was one of main resource of huge embezzlements and one of the main causes of the 50% inflation rate in Iran”, the media reported. And in this way Mr. shit, Jahromi, Khavari, and all other Islamist bastards fucked and destroyed all parts of Iran and Iran’s economic in less than 6 years.

“The 30,000 billion Rials that they have stolen, is just part of Jahromi and Mr. shit’s embezzlement after 2005. Jahromi and Mr. shit destroyed Iran’s economy, and now the ordinary Iranians should pay the price of the Mullah corruptions. The subsidiary cuts plan is a direct result of these corruptions. In the past years, about $400 billion of $600 billion national earnings have lost. In fact, the Mullahs have stolen them. Mr shit reduced the interest rate to 6%, while the inflation rate was 36% !! And in this way, the people who had saved their money in the banks lost the value of their money, and the Mullahs who got big loans from the banks became billionaire or trillionaire ! (Mr. shit’s friends have got more than 100,000 billion Rials loans form the banks in the recent years !) It was Jahromi and Mr. shit’s plan, and they called it ‘Islamic Banking’ What the Mullahs, including Jahromi and Mr. shit, have done in the past 30 years should be called “The Islamic Robbery” that is the greatest possible robbery of the human history. The Mullahs are the greatest possible crooks in the world”, the media added. It’s really shameful that the west, and especially Canada, the US, the UK, France, and Germany work and make love with the Islamist crooks who are killer and rapist and suppress the ordinary Iranians. Now, it has become very clear that the stupid western sanctions, are just a clear sign of hypocrisy and charlatanism. The stupid western politicians make love with the Mullahs, and impose sanctions on the ordinary Iranians who hate the Mullahs and are the main victim of the Mullahs’ brutality. It’s really beyond hypocrisy. You should live in Iran to understand our dreadful situation here. When you live in Iran as an ordinary Iranian, not as a Mullah or Islamist, you can not buy anything form the outside world; you can not transfer money to the outside world. You can not work with any international bank; you can not get visa from the western countries; you can not leave Iran and should live here like a prisoner; you can not have access to many tools, many facilities, many services, many software, many books, etc, and when you ask Why? your answer is: ‘because the western politicians have imposed sanctions on Iran’. But the Mullahs and their families can have all of these banned things. Isn’t it the biggest possible joke in the human history ? Of course, part of this great joke is funnier. The stupid lefts and some one like Noam Chomsky think that the west are the enemy of the Mullahs and the Islamic regime !!

۱۳۹۲ مهر ۲۶, جمعه

قسمتی از کل پولهایی که رفسنجانی و خانواده او دزدیده اند و با آن پولها در کانادا سرمایه گذاری کرده اند

"One of Iranian investor in Canada was mullah Rafsanjani that he built Highway 407 and Center Point Mall in city of Toronto, Province of Ontario, Canada. Interestingly, mullah Rafsanjani was a senior high ranking member of terrorist Hezbollah organization, and wanted by international authority due to his atrocities that he committed in Argentina, as well as, other nations, and Canadian Government allowed an infamous terrorist Rafsanjani to make investment in Canada. Indeed, Canada was sponsoring terrorism because Canada had become an economic nest for terrorist Hezbollah organization which was contrary to Criminal Code of Canada. i)83.03 Every one who, directly or indirectly, collects property, provides or invites a person to provide, or makes available property or financial or other related services
" ) 
قسمتی از کل پولهایی که رفسنجانی و خانواده او دزدیده اند و با آن پولها در کانادا سرمایه گذاری کرده اند . دولت کانادا میگوید با حکومت تروریستی ملاها در ایران مخالف است و سران حکومت سلامی( نور چشمی های انگلستان) را به کانادا راه نمیدهد . در ضمن سیستم مهاجرتی کانادا بسیار شفاف میگوید که پناهندگان سیاسی که "بر علیه" رژیم اشغالگر و دزد اسلامی ملاها فعالیت میکنند مزاحم دولت کانادا هستند 
. ********** لطفا به اشتراک گذارید ********** 
  Rafsanjani's Properties in Canada . It Must be more . 

Canadian Politicians, Iranian Mullahs, Terrorism, and Kleptocracy

  • Send To:
    International Court of Justice, Ban Ki-moon Secretary General United Nations,Transparency International Secretariat Prime Minister of Canada Right Honorable Stephen HARPER et al
ustice for All
E-mail: ImmortalGuardofIran@yahoo.com
Freedom, Justice, Honor, Courage
Date of Issue:
Friday May 22nd, 2009

File Number:
Canadian Politicians, Iranian Mullahs, Terrorism, and Kleptocracy

1.Petition is constituted as a legal document.
2.Asset is defined as fund or anything which has monetary value.
3.Element is defined as a person who is assisting a Revolutionary Guard, Basij, some form of Paramilitary, associating with ruling class of Islamic Republic of Iran.
4.Entity is defined as a person who is assisting a Revolutionary Guard, Basij, some form of Paramilitary, associating with ruling class of Islamic Republic of Iran.
5.Involvement is defined as a person, group, or a political party intentionally or unintentionally is assisting element of Islamic Republic of Iran to transfer asset to Canada.
6.Reserving the right to expand or recede on the terms of this petition.
7.Life cycle of this petition is not applicable to other key component of this petition.
8.Reserving the right to expand or recede any portion of this legal document. Regardless of circumstances.

Warning Issued:
1.Prior of issuing this petition, Office of the Auditor General of Canada, Office of the Privacy Commission, FINTRAC, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Canadian Security Intelligence Service, Canadian Dignitaries from all three level of governments, Canadian Red Cross, media outlets, and activists were warned about this dire situation. Most importantly, the above entities has been aware of the plight in Iran and the above Canadian elements have done nothing to stop it.

1.On October 16th, 2006 it became clear that cleric Ali Akbar Hashemi RAFSANJANI, who was an international terrorist from Iran with his son Mehdi, and his daughter Faezeh RAFSANJANI owned HWY 407 in Province of Ontario, country of Canada. In addition, they owned Center Point Mall Center which was located in Province of Ontario, country of Canada.
2.There is sufficient reason to believe that RAFSANJANI and his families have more assets in Canada.
3.There is sufficient reason to believe that there are other individuals that they are acting on behalf of RAFSANJANI in Canada and are protecting his families' assets in Canada.
4.There is sufficient reason to believe that there are other individuals from Islamic Republic of Iran that they use Canada as a base to invest in Canada.

Legal Evidence:
1.CIC2004001660 Citizenship and Immigration Canada Media 6/14/04 0:00 any documents, memos, reports, letters, emails, voice mail transcripts or other written or recorded material concerning direct foreign investment by companies and individuals of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Canada, including but not limited to Highway 407, the Center Point shopping Center in Toronto. Also any material on visits, official or unofficial, to Canada by member of the Iranian government, and/or family members of former Pres. Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsnajani (aka Rafsamjani), including son Mehdi Hashemi Rafsanjani (aka Rafsamjani), and daughter Faezeh Hashemi. Timeframe January 1, 2000-June 14, 2004.
2.International Trade Canada, Trade Commissioner Service stated that Iran actively encourages foreign investment in most sectors but requires the involvement of a local partner to whom a technology is transferred. Generally, the local partner is expected to have a minimum share of 51\% in the project. The Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Act (FIPPA) covers foreign investments including BOT projects and Buy Back contracts. Buy Back contracts are the mechanism used by the Ministry of Oil to award oil and gas production contracts and are closer to service agreements than Production Sharing Agreements. Iran has set up multiple economic and free trade zones which offer 10 - 15 year tax holidays and duty free imports to promote investment. There is no Foreign Investment Protection and Promotion Agreement between Canada and Iran. For more information, contact the Iranian and Foreign Joint Venture Investment Association: info@iran-investment.com other useful information is available at: http://www.ipanet.com.
3.International Trade Canada, Trade Commissioner Service advised Medium and long-term financing is available from commercial banks in Iran although foreign investors are encouraged to find offshore sources of finance as commercial banks give preference to national investors. Foreign companies can best access local commercial finance through an Iranian joint venture partner. In many cases, the ability of foreign firms to secure external financing is a driving factor in the establishment of joint ventures and in the awarding of contracts
4.Iran - Canada Cola Corporation (a Canadian company based in Richmond Hill, Ontario) has signed a contract with Modabber Holding Investment Company (an Iranian private joint stock company owned by Imam Executive Headquarters) for the distribution of non-alcoholic children's canned beverages in Iran valued at approximately $3-4 million, as well as for the distribution of glass and PET bottles in Iran valued at approximately $2 million.
5.Iran - Seveil Incorporated Canada (a Canadian company based in Toronto, Ontario) is the exclusive agent of Westeel Grain Storage Systems for the Iranian market. During the past two years, this company has managed to win 11 projects to establish storage facilities for grains and oilseeds in Iran. Seveil has the largest share of the Iranian market for such projects in recent years (over 90\%).
6.Element of Islamic Republic of Iran was able to infiltrate in Canadian political system by making political campaign contribution to certain candidates that these candidates were most likely to be elected to offices, and once candidates elected to the offices. Obviously, the agent of the Islamic Republic of Iran has bought the offices for the cleric regime in Canada, and entity like Rafsanjani was able to make investment in Canada despite his criminal record. Particularly, the Islamic Republic of Iran was a corrupt system, and there was no accountability to public. In June 2005, Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada reported that a Freedom House report stated that the country is prone to corruption. For example, the report stated that the bureaucracy gives preferential hiring treatment to graduates of theological seminaries, veterans of the Iran-Iraq war and Besij militiamen rather than to candidates based on their skills and merits (Freedom House June 2005). Following 1979 revolution, Islamic charitable foundations or bonyads {it means charity organization}, came under the States jurisdiction (RFEL/RL 5 Apr. 2005) and received many assets from Irans wealthiest families (Freedom House June 2005). Freedom House estimated that bonayds control between 10 and 20 per cent of Irans gross domestic product. Source also stated that, under that authority of the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah {sign of god} Ali Khamenei, and the clerics, the bonyads have become huge commercial conglomerates that operate with no accountability and are not subject to any auditing procedures (ibid.; RFE/RL 5Apr. 2005. Freedom House also reported that loyal supporters and relatives of the regime are exempted from anti corruption laws. Further in the matter of bonyad or charity foundation, one way the Rafsanjani and other clerical families maintain their grip is through the Bonyad foundations, says Shaul Bakhash, a visiting fellow at the Brooking Institution, a Washington-based research organization. After the revolution, the Bonyads expropriated assets of foreigners and the former shahs friends, says Bakhash, who has written extensively on IranCompanies under Bonyad control account for as much as third of Irans economy, he says. The Bonyad dont disclose their accounting or pay taxes; they get subsidized loans and report only to the Supreme Leader, he says. The economic power structure is even more opaque than the political system, Bakhash says. The Bonyads funnel money to senior religious figures for patronage and suspected clandestine activities. Interestingly, the Bonyads have been link with funding terror organizations; such as, providing fund for murdering author of The Satanic Verses.
7.The Islamic Republic in Iran had a liaison office in Canada and it is called Iran Canada Business Council which is found in 1992 and the Council had clear mandate and are established on two pillars: one) to promote and support trade and investment between Iran and Canada [and last to] serve as an advisory body to Government in Canada on matters related to trade and economic relations with Iran. Furthermore, this Council had its own unique benefit for Iran and Canada which are as follow: The Iran Canada Business Council provides members with exceptional opportunities to develop business with Iran. Through a wide network of senior business and government contacts both in Canada and in Iran, the Council is able to provide members with entrйe into one of the most important and growing markets in the Middle East which means this Council had connection with high ranking clerics in Iran and Canadian politicians. Most importantly, this Council had its own unique privilege which was providing opportunities to meet with senior level Iranian business and government missions to Canada. One of Iranian investor in Canada was mullah Rafsanjani that he built Highway 407 and Center Point Mall in city of Toronto, Province of Ontario, Canada. Interestingly, mullah Rafsanjani was a senior high ranking member of terrorist Hezbollah organization, and wanted by international authority due to his atrocities that he committed in Argentina, as well as, other nations, and Canadian Government allowed an infamous terrorist Rafsanjani to make investment in Canada. Indeed, Canada was sponsoring terrorism because Canada had become an economic nest for terrorist Hezbollah organization which was contrary to Criminal Code of Canada.
i)83.03 Every one who, directly or indirectly, collects property, provides or invites a person to provide, or makes available property or financial or other related services
ii)(a) intending that they be used, or knowing that they will be used, in whole or in part, for the purpose of facilitating or carrying out any terrorist activity, or for the purpose of benefiting any person who is facilitating or carrying out such an activity, or
iii)(b) knowing that, in whole or part, they will be used by or will benefit a terrorist group, is guilty of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years.
iv)There was also this vital point that individuals were representing the Islamic Republic of Iran in Canada that they were member of Revolutionary Guard and Canadian Government was fully aware of their background because on August 14th, 2004 Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada reported that structure of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), also known as the Sepah and the Pasdaran; its size; its economic activities in construction. Furthermore, the Immigration and Refugee Board stated that Iran specialist Michael Eisentadt noted that the IRGC {Revolutionary Guard} is a key institution in Iran today due to its role as guardian of the revolution, and due to the fact that many senior Revolutionary Guard officers have close personal and family ties to key members of Irans clerical establishment (MERIA Mar. 2001). Additionally, Eisentadt emphasizes that the role the IRGC plays in the advancement of future senior officers is crucial. Furthermore, that the IRGC maintains considerable influence in domestic security affairs and particularly with respect to political opposition (Byman et al. 2001, 29.
v)In March 2006 Export Development Canada reported that the economic disparities in Iran 75\% of national income is in the hands of 10\% of the population, is a major challenge which means 90\% of Irans population was controlling 25\% of Irans wealth, and making a factual point that after twenty-five years [] Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini led the revolution that topple Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, a dozen families with religious ties control much of Irans 110 billion gross domestic product and shape its politics, industries and finances, says Ray Takeyh, a professor and director of studies at National Defense Universitys Near East and South Asia Center in Washington. Simply, element of Islamic Republic in Iran funnel money in Canada and portion of money was given to Canadian politicians and rest of the money would be put in construction industry in Canada.
vi)There were serious detrimental effects on Iranian, when the cleric regime was investing in Canada and did not invest in Iran because Iranian were facing economic hardship; such as, high unemployment rate and high inflation rate which were having direct effect to quality of life in Iran.
vii)According to Ontario Export Inc. real GDP Growth from year 2000 to year 2002 beings from 4.1\%, 0.8\% and 4.0\% and CPI inflation from year 2000 to year 2002 35.4\%, 27.3\% and 17.5\% unemployment rate from year 2000 to year 2002 begins with 18.1\%, 21.7\% and 24.9\%.
viii)In March 2007 Export Development Canada reported inflation rate of Iran in year 2006 which was 14.6\% and in year 2007, it was 17.8\%.

i) Charity Foundations in TO, ON
Canadian Government was fully aware that the Islamic Republic of Iran was establishing bogus charity foundations in Canada Mr. Ahmadreza TABRIZI President of TAIM Canada Inc. office is located at 30 Kern Road, North York, Ontario M3B 1T1 Canada and as Mr. TABRIZI, Iran Canada Business Council, clearly stated that he knew high ranking cleric in Iran, and Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada knew well that Revolutionary Guards main task was to make invest in construction industry, as well as, charity foundation. Quite frankly, Mr. TABRIZI was an agent of Islamic Republic of Iran in Canada that he inaugurated Parya Trillium Foundation in November 2002 at 30 Kern Road North York, Ontario M3B 1T1 Canada, and Arisha TABRIZI was member of The Law Society of Upper Canada and his law firm was located at 103-30 Kern Rd
North York, Ontario M3B 1T1 and name of law firm is Tabrizi Law Office Professional Corporation.
In November 2002 several honorary members attended inauguration for this charity foundation as follow Mayor of Toronto David MILLER, Jim PETERSON, John GODFRY, Alan ROCK from Liberal Party, and Dr. Joseph WONG as Mr. TABRIZI {his last name means that he is from city of Tabriz} claimed that this Parya Foundation did not promote political issues or religious value and he claimed that we started private fundraising and raised an amount of approximately $30,000.00 CDN. Then, he began to insult Irans national language by referring to Persian language as Farsi language as he stated I would like to give few words in Farsi, Our English speaking audience should excuse me as it is difficult for me to translate it in English.
The board of Parya Trillium Foundation has eight members and among them Arshia TABRIZI, and Dr. Amir MAZINANI were Special Interest Persons in this investigation. There were no doubts that Ahmadreza TABRIZI was father of Arisha TABRIZI. There was Dr. Amir MAZINANI, who was residing at 81 Lord Seaton Road. North York, Ontario M2P 1K6 Canada that in 1984 to 1986 received tuition scholarship from Islamic Republic of Iran and according to Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada after 1979 revolution in Iran only those individuals that they were participant to 1979 revolution in Iran or had loyalty to Islamic Republic of Iran were allowed to attend universities. Moreover, there was a requirement that all university students prior of writing their admission exam to university, all students were required to answer to a questionnaire which would prove their loyalty to the theology state in Iran that the candidate for university was loyal to Islamic Republic in Iran and would uphold value of Islamic Republic in Iran. Therefore, Mr. Amir MAZINANI was loyal to Islamic Republic in Iran because he received scholarship from Islamic Republic in Iran.
Lastly, apparently Mr. Amir MAZINANI was working for his own company with name of Mazinani Consulting Inc. and his field of work was Computer Peripheral and Pre-Packaged Software Wholesaler Distributors 518210 - Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services Computer consulting, Web design and hosting, Domain name, Digital image processing, Digital ID card, Digital security systems (Exporting) IT consulting for companies Web site design for companies Digital security system for local and remote Digital video and video processing to enhance the picture.
ii) TABRIZI Formed other Councils:
Ahmadreza TABRIZI continuously was expanding his activity on ground of Non Profit Organization and had formed a council with name of Persian Circle which was Non Profit Organization and it had social and cultural objective, at the same time, it was trying to act as a bridge between new Iranian immigrants to Canada.
On February 12th, 2004 Mr. Ahmadreza TABRIZI incepted Canadian for Bam Reconstruction Committee and its office is located at 30 Kern Rd. North York, Ontario M3B 1T1. Keynote Speakers was Maria MINNA former Minister for International Cooperation, and Guest Speaker was city of Toronto Mayor David MILLER.
TABRIZI formed Canadian for Bam Reconstruction Committee because on December 26th, 2003 at about 05:26 hours earthquake shook the ground violently in city of Bam in Iran and claimed 41, 000 lives and 20, 000 sustained serious physical injuries, 60,000 people became homeless during cold winter time, and 70\% of the city turned into rubble. TABRIZI promised that this committee would direct the fundraising money to Iran in order to built school. However, according to Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada Revolutionary Guards have monopolized construction industry in Iran, now, there was no doubt that TABRIZI was member of Revolutionary Guards in Iran because he wanted to build school in Iran. In addition, Mr. Ahmadreza TABRIZI and Arshia TABRIZI were part of Liberty Development Corporation which was located at 505 Highway 7 East, suite 303 Thornhill, ON L3T 7T1, and it was incorporated with Darcon Inc. with Mr. Latif FAZEL at same location of Liberty Development Corporation. Also be advice that Mr. FAZEL stated that Darcon Inc. was located in city of Markham, whereas it was located in Thornhill.
TABRIZI claimed that a school was built in Iran and posted on his website that a dormitory for girls as per photos were build and named as donation of Iranian-Canadian members who are part of CRBC. The picture illustrated that there were young boys whom were running around and there were no little girls around to be found. Plus, in Iran schools had walls so unsupervised person could not walk in the school. The picture illustrated that there was no wall.
TABRIZI stated that International Development and Relief Foundation I(IDRF) would collect all contributions and would issue tax receipt and invoices. Why above institute was collecting money from public? Why above institute was not doing follow-up on project and TABRIZI was doing follow-up? Did any Canadian politicians do follow-up on the project and how money was funneled to Iran? There were countless questions to ask, but it was a difficult task to investigate and to found out answer for the above questions, when Canadian politicians were shaking hands with murderers in Iran.
So far, there was no independent body to verify accuracy of TABRIZIs claim that if truly money which was generate from Canadian for Bam Reconstruction Committee was used toward reconstruction of city of Bam because this picture was shown reconstruction for Earthquake in city Ghaen, located in Iran's Khorasan Province and how Bam is related to Province of Khorasan? However, there were six pictures which show that a school is under construction.
Dr. Payam AKHAVAN reported that suffice it to say that recently the survivors of the Bam earthquake in Iran protested about why the Iranian government is sending hundreds of millions of dollars to Hezbollah in Lebanon when the survivors of the earthquake still have not been provided with adequate housing. And in a democratic Iran, surely, people will ask whether it's worth spending $15 billion on a controversial nuclear program that risks military confrontation with the west at a time when, officially, there's a 25\% unemployment rate, and unofficially, a rate that could be as high as 40\%.

On February 10th, 2006 Ahmadreza TABRIZI donated $4000.00 CDN to Under The Azure Dome. The Under The Azure Dome was an organization which prepared cultural events in Toronto, and asked individuals to volunteer for this organization. Of course a volunteer would leave behind her /his name with the organization in order to in touch with the volunteers.

Ahmadreza TABRIZI had taken part in Iranian Canadian Congress which was a Non Profit Organization, non partisan and non religious. Interestingly, this organization had a mandate to identify, present and promote the true leaders of the Iranian-Canadian community who can be the voice of the community and to assist them in becoming prominent members of the Canadian society in all level of civic life including at the Municipal, Provincial, and Federal level. TABRIZI had close ties with Islamic Republic in Iran, and it was frighten to know that he was recruiting individuals to be elected in office in Canada.

On Sunday March 25th, 2007 Mohandes Ahmadreza TABRIZI held a graduate gathering in Toronto for students of Tehran Polytechnic Amir Kabir University. He claimed that in 1969 he was graduated from a university.

When time came to verify Ahmadreza TABRIZIs NGO if it was legitimate or it was illegitimate, it appeared that Royal Canadian Mounted Police {RCMP} would be right candidate to give direction on how to verify a NGO, and a letter was written to RCMP on how to verify a NGO.

Dear Sir/Madam:

I am interested to verify a NGO in Canada if it is legitimate or not, how can I do that please?

Thank you,

Kind regards

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police responded by making the below statement.


The RCMP does not maintain a list of NGOs, a search of Google may find information on the organization you're looking for.

Thank you.

National Communication Services
Services nationaux de communications
1200 Vanier Parkway
Ottawa, ON K1A 0R2

Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC) was another government agency which would be useful for verifying NGO and a letter was written to the above governmental agency.

Dear Sir/Madam:

I would like to obtain some financial information on certain NGOs on matter of transaction. Kindly inform me how can I obtain this information from FINTRAC?

Thank you,

Kind regards

iii) The FINTRAC responded as follow:
In response to your comments to the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC) dated,we offer this email. The Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act does not allow us to disclose specific information about persons or entities covered by the legislation. Therefore FINTRAC does not provide "references" concerning any reporting entity.
Canada Tax Revenue refused to answer to similar above question.

iv) Why TABRIZI was Imploring New Arenas to Engage in Canada?

Fedayeen Organization (2004-2006)it all depends on the case. The Iranian regime knows very well that many have fled Iran for socioeconomic reasons. However, as a general rule, if a person has been implicated in anti-government activities and/or working with subversive organization, whether pro-Monarchy or socialist, and known to have sought political asylum in a foreign country, her/his relatives will definitely be questioned. Whether they would be prosecuted or not depends on several factors and the severity of each factorthe regime is still as intolerant of dissident as it was more than a decade ago, but it has become sophisticated in handling these cases. Were these charity foundations, and NGO some form of instruments for TABRIZI to collect data on Iranian dissidents in Canada?
TABRIZI has made substantial amount of political campaign contribution to Mayor of Toronto David MILLER.

Toronto 2003 Civic Election Contributions to Candidates
3.30 KERN ROAD LTD $2,500.00 CDN
5.Arshia TABRIZI $300.00 CDN
6.Ahmad TABRIZI $250.00 CDN
There were reasonable questions on horizon that who below individuals, how were they related to Ahmadreza TABRIZI or did the register office enter their names incorrectly?
3.Ms. Gity NASHEY TABRIZI $400.00 CDN
4.M. Motamedi $200.00 CDN
There was a way of checking and verifying the above entities under Municipal Elections Act, 1996, S.O. 1996, c. 32, Sch.
Subsection; 93.No person shall obstruct a person making and investigation or examination under this Act or withhold, conceal or destroy anything relevant to the investigation or examination. 1996, c.32, Sched., s.93.
69.(1)A candidate shall ensure that,
(a) one or more campaign accounts are opened at a financial institution, exclusively for the purposes of the election campaign and in the name of the candidates election campaign;
(b) all contributions of money are deposited into the campaign accounts;
(c) all payments for expenses, except for a nomination filing fee, are made from the campaign accounts;
(d) contributions of goods or services are valued;
(e) receipts are issued for every contribution and obtained for every expense;
(f) records are kept of,
(i) the receipts issued for every contribution
(ii) the value of every contribution,
(iii) whether a contribution is in the form of money, goods or services,
(iv) the contributors name and address;

Who may contribute
(3)Only the following may make contributions:
1. An individual who is normally resident in Ontario.
2. A corporation that carries on business in Ontario.
Also, there was Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act which would block investigation that under section 14 (3)-Presumed invasion of privacy, a disclosure of personal information is presumed to constitute an unjustified invasion of personal information if the personal informationf) Described an individuals finances, income, assists, liabilities, net worth, bank balances, financial history or activities or creditworthiness. However, there is a court order under Court File No. 789/00 Date heard February 28th, 2002, Ontario Superior Court of justice, Divisional Court in matter of LANE, McCOMBS and LaFORME JJ. Would over rule above Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act because when [2] The Commissioner's order upheld the decision of the City of Toronto (the "City") refusing disclosure of an electronic copy of campaign contribution records from the 1997 municipal election. For the reasons that follow, I would allow the application for judicial review and direct that the requested information be disclosed to the applicant[30] Again, in my view, the Commissioner's conclusion was not reasonable. As I have indicated, the disclosed paper documents contain specific private information such as the contributors' names, addresses, amount contributed, and the candidate to whom the contribution was made. The only additional personal information contained in the electronic database that is not in the disclosed paper documents is the telephone numbers of the contributors. [31] I accept the position of the applicant that the only way that he can meaningfully scrutinize the information about campaign contributions is through the electronic database. Public scrutiny of the democratic election process and the integrity of the process governing political campaign contributions is a matter of significant public importance. In my view, in light of the fact that all but the telephone numbers of the contributors is already required to be disclosed, the public interest in disclosure of the database to enable meaningful scrutiny of the democratic process clearly outweighs other considerations. [32] It follows that the Commissioner's decision not to apply the public interest override in s. 16 of the MFIPPA was unreasonable. [33] In the result, I would allow the appeal, set aside the decision of the Commissioner, and order that the electronic database sought by the applicant be disclosed.
The real question came down to this point that in November 2003 for municipal election, it was clear that David MILLER would win the election because other candidates were tangling with their own demons and scandals and voters were turn off by them, and MILLER appeared as a good boy, he was holding a broom and promising that he would clean-up the City. Thus, TABRIZI made significant amount of campaign contribution to MILLER because MILLER was a right person and he would win the election and there was no way to lose the election. Now, there was a question that did TABRIZI received instructed from the cleric regime to make a campaign contribution to MILLER?
Kindly be advise that Mr. MILLER has accepted donation from a strip joint with name of Zanzibar Tavern Inc. for amount of $300 where ladies were exploited sexually by men, and this illustrated level of mentality of Mr. MILLER.

v) Liberal Party was Favorite Party:
In 1999, Arshia TABRIZI made $200.00 CDN political campaign contribution to Liberal Party, Azin TABRIZI made $250.00 CDN political campaign contribution to Liberal Party and S. TABRIZI made $400.00 CDN political campaign contribution to Liberal Party.
2005 Central Party By-Election Campaign Period Return CR-4 Ontario Liberal Party Scarborough - Rouge River By-Election Statement Of Campaign Period Income and Expenses for the Period From October 26, 2005 to February 24, 2006 Reza MORIDI contributed $ 175.00 CDN.
Mr. TABRIZI was vibrant to announce that now we are witnessing the presence of a new successful runner Dr. Moridi who hopefully will be representative of Liberal Party from Richmond Hill in Queens Park, Dr. Moridi {keep up the good work} we wish you success and all the best.
On August 02nd, 2007 Naresh Raghubeer and David Harris from Canadian Coalition for Democracy reported this article that Last week, Ontario Auditor-General Jim McCarter reported that the province's Immigration and Citizenship Ministry has been dispensing millions of dollars in grants to ethnic groups under a process that is "not open, transparent or accountable." In many cases, groups got money simply because their members were chummy with ministry insiders. "In essence, the decisions behind 'who got what' were often based on conversations, not applications," Mr. McCarter concluded. But Mr. McCarter's report does not merely highlight a failure of process in an otherwise sound government disbursement program. What the Auditor-General documents is nothing less than a taxpayer-funded political black market based on "ethnic" and religious vote-buying. The Iranian-Canadian Community Centre's $200,000 grant was disbursed despite there being "no written request for funding.
On July 28th, 2007 York Region reported Richmond Hill Liberal candidate Reza Moridi doesnt think money awarded to a local charity group by the Dalton McGuinty government needs to be given back, despite findings that no formal process was followed to receive the money. His comments come in the wake of a scathing report from Auditor General Jim McCarter on how charity groups received millions in questionable provincial grants. The report led to the resignation Thursday of Citizenship and Immigration Minister Mike Colle. The grant money has been described as a slush fund by Opposition parties. Mr. McCarter concluded the granting process was not open, transparent or accountable. His report paints a damning picture of the process under which the Iranian-Canadian Community Centre (ICCC) and other groups received money, even though it falls short of saying groups got preference because of ties to the provincial Liberals.
Criminal Code of Canada:
Terrorist Financing Offences: 83.03 Every one who, directly or indirectly, collects property, provides or invites a person to provide, or makes available property or financial or other related services
(a) intending that they be used, or knowing that they will be used, in whole or in part, for the purpose of facilitating or carrying out any terrorist activity, or for the purpose of benefiting any person who is facilitating or carrying out such an activity, or
(b) knowing that, in whole or part, they will be used by or will benefit a terrorist group, is guilty of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years.
Theft: 322. (1) Every one commits theft who fraudulently and without colour of right takes, or fraudulently and without colour of right converts to his use or to the use of another person, anything, whether animate or inanimate, with intent
(a) to deprive, temporarily or absolutely, the owner of it, or a person who has a special property or interest in it, of the thing or of his property or interest in it;
(b) to pledge it or deposit it as security;
(c) to part with it under a condition with respect to its return that the person who parts with it may be unable to perform; or
(d) to deal with it in such a manner that it cannot be restored in the condition in which it was at the time it was taken or converted.
(2) A person commits theft when, with intent to steal anything, he moves it or causes it to move or to be moved, or begins to cause it to become movable.
(3) A taking or conversion of anything may be fraudulent notwithstanding that it is effected without secrecy or attempt at concealment.
(4)For the purposes of this Act, the question whether anything that is converted is taken for the purpose of conversion, or whether it is, at the time it is converted, in the lawful possession of the person who converts it is not material.
Special Interest Persons:
1.Iran Canada Business Council
2.Ahmad Reza TABRIZI
3.Member of Ontario Provincial Parliament of Ontario Reza MORIDI {Liberal Party}
4.Mayor of Toronto David MILLER
6.Mr. Samir ZALZAL
7.Mr. Joseph TAVANA
8.Mr. Farrokh KHAKLILI
9.Mr. Ken HAVES
10.Mr. Masoud (Massey) GHATAVI
11.Mr. Hussein K. AMAD

i) Corporates:
1.Acres International Limited
2.Agra International
3.Aquarius Shipping Inc.
4.BTI Services Inc.
5.Canadian Bearings Ltd.
6.Charles Tennant & Co. (Canada) Limited
7.CTI Datacom Inc.
8.David Nairne & Associates Ltd.
9.Dreco Energy Services Ltd.
10.Eriez of Canada Limited
11.Export Development Corporation
12.General Electric Canada Ltd.
13.General Motors of Canada Ltd - Diesel Division
14.Ingersoll-Rand Canada Inc.
15.Newsco Directional & Horizontal Services Inc.
16.Ontario Exports Inc.
17.Pacific Industries International Inc. (Pii)
18.Petro-Techna International Ltd.
19.Renaissance Energy Ltd.
20.S.A. Global International Inc.
21.SGS Canada Inc.
22.Simons International Corporation
23.SNC-Lavalin International Inc.
24.TAIM Canada Inc.
25.Tavana & Co. Chartered Accountants

Detrimental Effect of Kleptocracy for Iran and Canada:
According to Transparency International

a) In case of Iran
i)London, 25 March 2004 --- Political corruption undermines the hopes for prosperity and stability of developing countries, and damages the global economy, said Peter Eigen, Chairman of Transparency International (TI), launching the TI Global Corruption Report 2004 (GCR 2004) today. The abuse of political power for private gain deprives the most needy of vital public services, creating a level of despair that breeds conflict and violence. It also hits the pockets of taxpayers and shareholders worldwide. The problem must be tackled at the national and international level, he said. The GCR 2004, with a special focus on political corruption, said Eigen, is a call to action to bring integrity and accountability into governance, to stop bribery by multinational companies, and to curb the flow of stolen assets into secret bank accounts in the west. TI is the leading international non - governmental organisation combating corruption worldwide. Democracies can no longer tolerate bribery, fraud and dishonesty, states former US President Jimmy Carter in a foreword to the GCR 2004, especially as such practices disproportionately hurt the poor.
ii)Political corruption deprives millions of health care, education and the prospects of a sustainable future, said TI-Zimbabwe Chair John Makumbe at the launch of TIs GCR 2004 in London today.

b) In case of Canada

i)Canada's political approach to the normative control model of Islamic Republic of Iran has short term gain for Canada. However, in long run, it would create murky water between Canada and Iran.
ii)Canadian politicians deceived their own citizens by claiming that they were at war on terror while Canadian politicians were in payroll of the theocratic regime in Iran. The theocratic regime in Iran had been supplying insurgents in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq with arsenal. Hence, Canada was at proxy war with Iran.

According to Transparency International
1.Donations to political parties and candidates to elected office must not be a means to gain personal or policy favours. Parties and candidates must practise transparency. Governments must implement adequate conflict -of-interest legislation.
2.Political parties, candidates and politicians should disclose detailed information about assets, donations, inkind donations, loans and expenditure, on an annual basis as well as before and after elections, to an independent agency.
3.Independent public oversight bodies endowed with the necessary resources must effectively supervise the observance of regulatory laws and measures. Together with independent courts, they must ensure that offenders are held accountable and duly sanctioned.
4.Diversified funding should be sought through: state funding and subsidised access to the media; the encouragement of small donations and membership fees; and controls on corporate, foreign and large individual donations. Spending limits should be considered.
5.Candidates and parties must be given fair access to the media. The media should play an independent role, free from political interference, both in election campaigns and in the broader political process.
6.Civil society should have the opportunity to actively participate in promoting adequate legislation in the field of political finance and in the monitoring of political finance and its impact on political representation.
Method of Filing:
2.Several regular mails in order to avoid interception of mails
3.Registered mails

Recipients of This Petition:
International Court of Justice
Peace Palace
Carnegieplein 2
2517 KJ The Hague
The Netherlands via registered mail

Ban Ki-moon
Secretary General
United Nations
1st ave. and 46th Street
New York, NY 10017 USA via registered mail

Transparency International Secretariat
Alt-Moabit 96
10559 Berlin, Germany via registered mail

Method of Serving:
1.Prime Minister of Canada Right Honorable Stephen HARPER via registered mail
2.Liberal Party of Canada {Federal level} via regular mail
3.New Democrat Party {Federal level} via regular mail
4.E-mailed to three level of governments in Canada
5.Posting on http://iranzamin2529.blogspot.com

Goal to Achieve:
1.This petition is constituted as a legal document which will be used during legal proceeding or any form of preceding against any individuals or body of governments whom are collaborating with theocratic regime elements directly or indirectly to transfer assets from Iran to Canada.
2.All individuals shall be held accountable and responsible for taking part in kleptocracy of Iran and Iranian.
3.Alternative Service Der livery shall not apply to these assets.
4.All assets are none negotiable and none transferable.
5.All assets are properties of Iran and Iranian.
6.All assets shall be return to Iran and Iranian plus interest shall be reimbursed to Iran and Iranian.
7.All three levels of Canadian Governments {municipalities, provincial, and federal} from each provinces {East Coast to West Coast} must disclose all assets of Islamic Republic of Iran in Canada in great details.
8.International Court of Justice does not allow Canadian politicians, as well as, element of Islamic Republic of Iran to continue kleptocracy of Iran, directly or indirectly, because Canadian politicians are contributing to human rights violation in Iran directly and indirectly.
9.Transparency International involves itself in this matter and would identify all assets of theocratic regime in Canada in order to safeguard interest of Iran, Iranian, and Canadian.

Life Cycle of This Petition:
1.Commenced: Friday May 22nd, 2009.
2.Expired: Friday October 02nd, 2009.
3.Requirement: 100 Signatures.
4.Petition would remain on line.
5.This petition effects remain perpetual, until the goals of this legal document is achieved.

Author of This Petition:
1.Petitioner of this paper acted in good faith at all times.
2.Petitioner of this paper acted in the name of justice for all.
Thank you

Kind regards
